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It's actually difficult to tell what is art. No one can deny that some sports are also art. Or people will argue some plays are art works of sports.

The possibility of drowning is also viewed as unlikely in the minds of many people, first because apparently Rockefeller was acknowledged as a very strong swimmer, and secondly because two local guides that had been on the boat when it capsized did successfully swim to shore, and many feel Rockefeller was certainly capable of doing the same.

Of the victim's life that cause us to react or not to their death. Whether it was the American, Michael Rockefeller, or the Solomon Islander named Tombat, the British Missionary Chalmer, or Limbang the Dayak ?reaction on an emotional level has more to do with what we know about that person than their nationality, race or religion per se.

The lawful or unlawful context is socially determined and the implication is that while murder is always killing, killing is not always murder. This is in no way a revelation, but it seems few ever pause to consider it all.

Regarding other recent comments in this thread, my own interpretation of some of Udo remarks was that he may have meant to draw attention to this sort of cultural/moral disparity across cultures.

Chinese calligraphy is an abstract art form. Chinese calligraphy is unique in term of the tools, materials and the spirit inside the art works. Chinese calligraphy is the soul of Chinese culture.

Technologically developed areas", the socio-cultural outlook does seem to allow much of the populace to dissociate causing deaths in a war context from urder? This relativity of perception is noteworthy.

The cultural context is fascinating as well, and some of you will be aware that the Goaribari Islanders were notorious warriors. It is reported that Authorities were still confiscating skull trophies in the late 1950. Other infamous incidents have become very well known indeed. For instance the events of April, 1901 are legendary.

It is rather just to point out what I see as the striking malleability and cultural specificity of moral boundaries and how in cases like the one just mentioned, a few moments can totally change the acceptability of certain actions. While listening to military briefings in the news, often it is explicitly stated that an objective of some operations will be to "capture or kill" the enemy.

Boas was on to something, and Miller’s ideas strike me as complimentary and mutually reinforcing. While Boas only mentions the personal creative satisfaction of the artisan him or herself, the idea that creative virtuosity could serve as an appeal to prospective mates, seems like a fairly reasonable extension of his conclusions on art motives? and one that could reinforce the artisans own pleasure in the aesthetically creative act.

A final comment or two on head hunting? for the majority of us who will read this discussion, I think it is safe to say that if this phenomenon is of interest at all, then at most we may possibly gain an intellectual understanding of why various societies might indulge in headhunting, but our own deeply ingrained cultural praxis will prevent us from ever looking at headhunting the way someone who is an autochthonous member of a headhunting society might.

It was then that the famous missionary Rev. James Chalmers and a party of 12 lost their heads and were eaten by Goaribari headhunters. Another missionary reported witnessing over 10,000 skulls in the long houses of Goaribari.

How sexual choice shaped the development of human nature. He addresses the matter of art and its role in human development, so I imagine it would be of interest to many forms.

Suffice to say that headhunting was a robust tradition here. In 2001, on the centenary of Rev. Chalmers' demise, the BBC aired a documentary in which Charlotte Sainsbury, a direct descendant of Rev. Chalmers visited Goaribari.

I imagine Steve P. is familiar with this book, but for others?in a nut shell, the general idea is that those individuals who excelled in artistic pursuits and were witty and creative rendered themselves more desirable in the eyes of prospective mates.

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Last modified: Tuesday October 18, 2005.